"PhD Programmes in Europe" ediz. Rivista Planum the journal of Urbanism /

Dear Reader,
are you interested in applying to a PhD Program? Or, are you simply interested in a general overview of some of the most relevant European PhD Programmes? Planum. The Journal of Urbanism is pleased to present you a selection of European PhD courses that have been selected for their clearly international character (multilingual working environment), worldwide research contacts and exchange possibilities, interdisciplinary approach (integrating urban design, spatial planning and project development, urban sociology) as well as scientific and practice-related orientation. Feel free to share the Planum newsletter to whom may be interested, such as students, scholars or others colleagues at your University. For further information, please follow the links to Universities and PhD Programmes ' websites or use the e-mail contacts. Good reading and good applications!

Planum has updated its website and is hosting a growing and updated number of articles and list of contents. The Journal is articulated into a 'Magazine' column, with peer reviewed articles; a 'News and Events' column, with information on call for papers, conferences and competitions; a 'Journals and Books' column, with presentation and review of international publishers' new books. Planum is an international scientific journal with a proper ISSN code (1723-0993)evaluated in the academic rankings of scientific work. 
It is promoted by the Planum Association, which is open to academic and research institutes, practitioners associations and scientific journals. Planum is open to new proposals for articles and specific issues in addition to events, calls for papers, book presentations and reviews. To submit a new proposal, please write to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.or refer to the section 'About'. Enjoy the reading on Planum website and follow our social networks as well (see the links below)!


Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | IfEU - Institute for European Urban Studies
International Doctorate Programme 'European Urban Studies' (IPP-EU)
Research Group 'Urban Heritage' (UH)

Application Deadline: Spring 2013
Duration: 3 years 
Language: English | Requirements: TOEFL; IELTS; UNIcert Stufe

The doctorate programme at the Institute for European Urban Studies (IfEU) offers doctorate students a diverse curriculum i n the fields of historic preservation and construction history, urban sociology, spatial planning, and project development. The research group Urban Heritage is an integrated part of the Doctorate Programme, which address cultural heritage in the context of contemporary and future urban development, in Germany and Italy. Transcending historical preservation, the group uses an expanded concept of 'heritage', which includes the political and sociological constitution of the city as deserving conservation in regard to its capacity for social integration and local democracy. The intention is to search for strategies and approaches that utilize the contemporary challenges society, confronted with further develop of urban heritage's concept.

Contacts: University website | PhD Course webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

DLGS - Dresden Leibniz Graduate School
PhD in 'Urban and Regional Development'

Application Deadline: Summer 2013 
Duration: 3 years
Language: English

The DLGS is a joint activitiy of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), Technische Univer sität Dresden (TU Dresden) and Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL). The mission is to prepare competent doctoral students and enable them to perform high-quality research with a focus on regional and local development strategies by providing a flexible, interdisciplinary curriculum and orientation within the research process. The actual topic of the DLGS is "Urban and Regional Resilience - Managing Change for Sustainable Development". Contributions are expected to cover theoretical and methodological aspects of urban and regional resilience based on the analysis of empirical cases.

 University website | PhD Course webpage | E-mail contact

TU Berlin - Technische Universität Berlin 
Reasearch Programmes: General links
International Graduate Research Program 'Metropolitanism and Globalization from the 19th Century to the Present'


LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science
PhD in 'Human Geography and Urban Studies'
PhD in 'Regional and Urban Planning'

Application Deadline: 26 April 2013 
Duration: Alternative formats | 3 years; 1+3 years; 4 years 
Language: English | Requirements: IELTS > 7; TOEFL > 107

The PhD in 'Human Geography and Urban Studies' offers training both in human geographic research and in interdisciplinary approaches to understanding/r esponding to the analytic and practical challenges of an era of rapid urbanisation and urban re-development around the world. The Course also provides opportunities for research on topics and issues within human geography which are not specifically 'urban' - nor 'economic' or 'environmental' - but which relate to broader areas of expertise and interest of academic staff within the Cities and Development cluster. For the Phd in 'Regional and Urban Planning' applications are invited for research topics covering the interface between planning and the social sciences and in particular on regional policy, environmental issues, urban regeneration, globalisation and world cities, politics and planning, economic aspects of housing and urban change.

Contacts: University websit e | PhD Courses webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

UCL - University College of London | The Bartlett School of Planning
MPhil/PhD in 'Planning Studies' 

Deadline: to be published here
Duration: 3 years
Language: English | Requirements: IELTS > 6.5; TOEFL > 92

The PhD in 'Planning Studies' is designed for graduates of any discipline who wish to make a career in planning or in related fields, such as housing, urban regeneration, transport planning, urban design, in teaching or research. A PhD is awarded for the most advanced level of study available, and is considered proof of competence in devising and carrying out a programme of research that demonstrates originality in thought and critical judgement. In common with a number of other UK Universities, UCL does not admit students directly onto a PhD programme in the first instance, but requires all research students to first enrol for an MPhil degree.

Contacts: University website | PhD Courses webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Cardiff University
MPhil/PhD in 'Spatial Planning and City Environments'

Deadline: four entry points | 1st October, 1st January, 1st April or 1st July
Duration: 3 years Full-time; 5 years Part-time
Language: English | Requirements: IELTS > 6.5

The School of Planning and Geography is a major international centre for research in planning and human geography. It aims to recruit committed research students for the pursuit of innovative, cutting-edge research at PhD level. Research in the School is inter-disciplinary and is organised into five large research groups: environment, society and space; housing; spatial planning and city environments; urban and regional governance; spatial analysis; with a number of crosscutting research centres. These themes are explored at multiple scales (supra-national, national, regional and local), in urban and rural spaces, and across different sectors (such as housing, environment, labour markets).

Contacts: University website | PhD Course webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

University of Manchester 
School of Environment and Development 
Postgraduate Research Programme in 'Planning and Environmental Management


EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | EPFL Doctoral School
PhD in 'Architecture and Sciences of the City' (EDAR)

Deadline: twice a years
Duration: 3 years 
Language: English

The Doctoral Program brings together in one doctoral program the world of architecture and that of social sciences concerned with the inhabited space and combines b asic and applied research in an interdisciplinary perspective. The program receives twice a year new doctoral students interested in its scientific orientations which encompass these main research areas: Sciences of the city, History, Theory, Heritage, Doc of Design and Integrated Design, Architecture, Sustainability. The research area are aimed at students of social sciences (Sociology, Geography, Economics, Political science, Anthropology, History), but also architects and engineers wishing to pursue a thesis on urbanization, urbanity, mobility and habitat. The EDAR programme is based on two fundamental principles: the strong and varied relationship between basic and applied research, and interdisciplinarity. The link between theory and practice enables students to treat the project both as an object of study and as a research challenge.

Contacts: University website | PhD Course webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo./">E-mail contact

ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 
Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture  
Doctoral Program in 'History and Theory of Architecture


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona Tech 
Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning 
PhD in 'Urbanism'

Deadline: No specific deadline 
Duration: 3 years
Language: English and Spain

The Doctoral Program proposes rigorous analysis and academic reflection on themes, central to the history of urban planning and to current urbanism, to the forms of analysis and intervention in both regional and urban planning as well as in large scale a rchitectural projects. The programme foremost aim is to form doctoral candidates, yet at the same time, its aim is to foster debate and the spread of knowledge of research activity within the Departments different areas of specialization. One of the main program objectives is to foment exhaustive study within four main thematic areas: Analysis and Urban Planning, Analysis and Regional Planning, Urban History, Landscape architecture and environmental impact.

Contacts: University website | PhD Course webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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Universitat de Barcelona
Department of Human Geography
PhD in 'Geography, Land Planning and Environmental Management'


Politecnico di Milano | DAStU - Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
PhD in 'Urban Planning, Design and Policy'

Deadline: 25 May 2013 
Duration: 3 years
Language: English

The PhD Programme will start in 2013/14 joining the two previous PhD programmes 'Spatial Planning and Urban Development' (SPUD) and 'Territorial Design and Government' (GPT). The first one is based on the specific approach of Politecnico in design and territorial analysis following some specific topics: cities in globalisation, planning theory and urban and territorial analysis. The second one is specifically aimed at exploring technical knowledge in the construction of plans, projects and government policies on territorial changes.
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Contacts: University website | Phd Course webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


TU Delft - University of Technology
Graduate School for Architecture and the Built Environment
PhD in 'Architecture and the Built Environment' (A+BE)

Deadline: February - September
Duration: 4 years
Language: English

A+BE's mission is to reinforce a research culture in a key design and engineering discipline; to educate leading international PhD students in architecture, building technology, urbanism, landscape architecture, geomatics, management of the built environment and housing; to perform excellent and innovative design-oriented research. A+BE's objective is to play a key role in the cluster of architectural and urban-design industries in the west of the Netherlands, while developing a strong international presence, capitalising on the r eputation of Dutch architecture and spatial planning and the significance of the Randstad as a leading European urban region. 

Contacts: University website | PhD Course webpage Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

UvA - University of Amsterdam
AISSR - Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research
Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development Studies

Deadline: No specific deadline 
Duration: 3-4 years
Language: English

The UvA offers to doctoral candidates an appealing international research environment that allows them to optimally develop their research talent and provides excellent educational opportunities. 
The AISSR ensures high-quality, stimulating post-graduate supervision and the timely completion of PhD projects. It fosters the careers of its graduates by providing a strong PhD Community and encouraging PhD students to publish early in their career. The AISSR Institure provides four different reasearch gro ups:  Urban Geography,  Urban planning, Governance and Inclusive Development, Geographies of Globalizations.   

Contacts: University website | PhD Course webpage |Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

University of Utrecht 
Graduate School of Geoscience | PhD Programme Presentation 
Eramus Universiteit of Rotterdam 
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies | PhD Programme Presentation


University of Leuven 
Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning 
PhD in 'Engineering'

Deadline: No specific deadline
Duration: 4 years
Language: English

The Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning offers a PhD degree in Engineering. The research at this department is conducted by four divisions: Architectural History and Conservation; Theory of Urbanism and Architecture (OSA); Design and Building Methodology; Planning and Development. The research is fundamental as well as applied, and covers the wide range of the built environment. This fosters a diversity of mutually enriching and complementary approaches. We mention in particular the focus on development contexts, mainly in the Planning & Development and Theory of Urbanism & Architecture divisions.

Contacts: University website | PhD Course webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Aalborg University 
Dept. of Development and Planning, Dept. of Architecture, Design & Media Technology 
Doctoral Programme in 'Planning and Development'

Deadline: No specific deadline
Duration: 3 years
Language: English

Emphasis in this course is put on the planning and management dimensions, focusing on the policies and other regulatory instruments that are used in relation to technological, infrastructural and urban development projects and environmental policy and planning. Furthermore, the physical dimension and form giving of buildings, artefacts and urban spaces are of central concern.  The research environment consists of academics with different professional backgrounds, representing a wide range of academic disciplines. 
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Contacts: University website | PhD Course webpage | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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