Paper - Special Paper 2: "Advancing evidence based energy policy in Ireland" by Anthony McNamara / 2015

SPECIAL Project Expert Papers - Part of the legacy of the SPECIAL is a series of six Expert Papers written by six different partners in the project. Five of these papers are already available as downloads. Ranging in topics from Masterplanning and Energy, to Policy frameworks and Transport, the papers are primarily targeted at town planners working at the local level.
Published by the Town and Country Planning Association, October 2015

Bibliografia PAPER TCPA Special Project Expert Paper2 Irlanda A.McNamara 2015


Local authorities and spatial planning tools and strategies across Europe are recognised as playing key roles in countering the existing reliance on fossil fuels and in reducing the impacts of climate change. To combat the local effects of climate change, to move away from dependency on imported fossil fuels and to reduce energy costs
across all sectors, South Dublin County Council, working in partnership with all stakeholders, aims to prioritise and unlock local low-carbon and renewable energy opportunities to 2022 and beyond.
Since its establishment in 1994, South Dublin County Council has a proven track record in pioneering activities in sustainable development and in promoting the growth of sustainable communities – in particular through spatial planning tools such as County Development Plans, Strategic Development Zones, and Local Area Plans. The
Council acknowledges that strengthening climate change mitigation measures, reducing energy consumption and finding alternative, nonpolluting and renewable sources for energy provision across sectors are priorities in responding to EU and national energy targets. It is clear that continued growth across South Dublin County will require
a reliable, robust and efficient energy system to power homes, businesses and transport over the lifetime of the next County Development Plan and beyond. The Council aspires to becoming as carbon neutral as possible and to making every effort to increase energy efficiency and unlock renewable energy opportunities. As such, there is a recognised need to build on spatial planning tools and strategies, in particular County Development Plan energy policies,
focusing on more evidence-based and spatially appropriate energy and climate change mitigation policies, objectives and implementation measures.

In 2015, South Dublin County Council prepared a county-wide Spatial Energy Demand Analysis (SEDA), in artnership with the City of Dublin Energy Management Agency (CODEMA). The energy profiles for the commercial, residential and municipal sectors, collated under the EU Covenant of Mayors and South Dublin Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) methodologies, have been refined to generate County-scale tabulations and maps representing a range of energy information, including energy demand, heat density and costs across sectors. 
The outputs and recommendations of the South Dublin SEDA have informed the review of the current County Development Plan and the preparation of South Dublin County Council Draft Development Plan 2016-2022.
In carrying out the SEDA the Council aimed to facilitate an enhanced spatial understanding of energy needs, energy efficiency profiles and renewable energy responses, which vary across sectors, settlement areas, land uses and the built environment.